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Ship anywhere in the world with peace of mind knowing your goods are covered from point of origin to final destination.

As business expands, so do the risks of being part of the global supply chain. Our insurance solutions run end-to-end to encompass the entire logistics chain. We mitigate your exposure by identifying vulnerabilities, managing associated risks, and indemnifying you through insurance in the event of a loss.

Marine Insurance

  • Full inbound and outbound insurance coverage at competitive premiums
  • Covers transport by sea or air, both domestic and international
  • All-risk coverage, which provides the widest coverage for incidences with certain inclusions and exclusions
  • Specific coverage policies to protect ultra high-risk or high-value goods
  • Also covers loss or damage to ships, cargo, terminals, and any transport or cargo by which property is transferred, acquired, or held between the point of origin to final destination